Danboard’s Diary: Arriving to My New Home

By: recolo

Aug 20 2011

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Category: Danboard's Diary, Photography


Focal Length:135mm
Shutter:1/0 sec
Camera:NIKON D7000

I don’t remember how long I’ve been travelling in the darkness. Last time when I saw a light, I recall the world was shaking, everyone was running for their lives, and then I lost my consciousness.

I believe I woke a up a few times, at least my mind did, and  I remember people took me out of danger and put me in a safe place. I think some nice people took really good care of me, but I don’t remember who they were or how they looked like.

Eventually, I became available for adoption. I think I lost my whole family.

Now that I have arrived my new home, and I wonder who adopted me. I see a faint light, but it feels warm. My new room is simple, but it is clean. I have a new roommate, and I am going to call it Huggy-Hearty. It is red, soft, and looks kind.

Anyway, it has been a very long journey, and I do feel very tired. I am in a new home, and I know I have a brand new world ahead of me. I don’t know what future holds for me, but I know I am going to take advantage of this second chance and live my life at it’s fullest. For now, I am going back to my little box, trying not to think too much, and whatever happens in the future will happen. Que será, será.

4 comments on “Danboard’s Diary: Arriving to My New Home”

  1. You pretty much said what i could not effectively communicate. +1

  2. You are really good, I love these posts. And I want a Danboard too, where did you get him, or did you create him yourself?

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